
General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale

The guidelines that govern the use of our platform, in order to guarantee you a pleasant and secure experience when planning your events.

You have just connected to the  website of Organexia SARL AU. You must read the following provisions carefully as they constitute a contract establishing the general conditions of services of the electronic catalog of the Company Organexia SARL AU.

By ticking the box indicating “I have read and accept the General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale” registering on the site, or simply connecting to the PLATFORM and using the services offered, THE USER acknowledges and accepts all the terms of these GTCUS applicable to the use of

The “click” that you will execute after having filled your order will be worth irrevocable acceptance of the present general conditions. Consequently, you can only order services if you accept the conditions set out below.

1- Legal notice

In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 43-20 relating to trust services for electronic transactions has been put into force, promulgated by Dahir No. 1-20-100 of December31, 2020, we bring to the attention of users and visitors of, the following information:

2- Acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale

These General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale (GTCUS) establish the general framework applicable to Users of the Organexia platform, including both Clients and Service Providers.

Any access to and/or use of the site constitutes unconditional acceptance and compliance with all the terms of these GTCUS.

Thus, any visitor agrees to read these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale when accessing the Platform and before making any service order.

This acceptance is formalized when the Visitor clicks on the “Create an Account” or “Become a Service Provider” button, which serves as an electronic signature equivalent to a handwritten signature. Holding a Personal Account and accessing it implies acceptance of these GTCUS and a commitment to respect all its articles. Without this acceptance by the Visitor, the registration cannot be validated.

These GTCUS apply to the relationships between Organexia, USERS, and Service Providers, framing their exchanges and interactions. They may be supplemented by other general or specific conditions as applicable.

At any time, the version of the GTCUS considered applicable is the one online at the date and time of connection. If a USER does not accept these conditions, they must renounce any use of the PLATFORM. Non-acceptance or contestation of all or part of the GTCUS at the time of connection will result in the suspension of access to the PLATFORM.

Organexia reserves the right to modify or evolve these GTCUS at any time without prior notice. Visitors agree to read these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale when accessing the Platform and before making any service order.

Only authorized pages can be viewed without an account, and to access unauthorized pages, creating an account and accepting the GTCUS is necessary.

Users will be notified by email on the change of the GTCUS and privacy policies.

3. Definitions

4. Registration, Profile, and Account on the Organexia Platform

5. Duration, Suspension, and Termination

6. Services Provided and Operation

6.1 Services Provided:

Organexia offers a comprehensive suite of services related to event planning, including:

Organexia does not intervene in the determination, assessment, or validation of the fees proposed by Service Providers.

6.2 Platform Operation:

Service Request Submission:
Handling a Service Request by the Service Provider:
Additional Operational Details:
Service Provider Dashboard Features

Service Providers will have access to a dedicated dashboard with the following features:

      I.         Home
     II.         Bookings
   III.         Orders
   IV.         Products
    V.         Payments
   VI.         Ledger Book
  VII.         Refund
 VIII.         Analytics
   IX.         Reports
     X.         Customers
   XI.         Reviews
  XII.         Coupons
 XIII.         Chat Box
XIV.         Media
 XV.         Settings
XVI.         Support
XVII.         Logout

3. Customer Dashboard Features

Customers will have access to a dedicated dashboard with the following features:

      I.         Orders
     II.         Store Credit
   III.         Downloads
   IV.         Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
    V.         Bookings
   VI.         Referrals
  VII.         Communication Preferences
 VIII.         Coupons
   IX.         Addresses
     X.         Payment Methods
   XI.         Followings
  XII.         Support Tickets
 XIII.         Inquiries
XIV.         Account Details
 XV.         Logout

7. Obligations of the Parties

7.1 Obligations of Users

By using this platform, each User agrees to adhere to public order and comply with current laws and regulations, respecting the rights of third parties and the provisions of these General Conditions. Each User is obligated to:

Users also commit to not disseminating messages or information that:

Customers commit to the following obligations:

Service Providers commit to the following obligations:

In case of violation of these provisions or other applicable laws and regulations, or in case of non-cooperation and/or disloyalty, if there is an urgency to stop observed misconduct, Organexia may suspend access to the User account without indemnity and without prior notice.

Organexia reserves the right to terminate the contract binding the parties without judicial intervention, with the contract being automatically terminated by the mere fact of the breach or violation justifying the account deactivation and contract termination. The courts cannot assess the proportionality between the alleged breach and the sanction, i.e., the cessation and termination of the contract.

The decision to terminate will be communicated to the User by email to the address provided when the account was created, indicating the non-compliance with obligations and the right for Organexia to deactivate the User account.

If Organexia deems the breach sufficiently serious to close the User account (e.g., sending unsolicited messages), Organexia may send a notice to the User by email to the address provided when the account was created, giving the User 30 days to rectify the situation and submit a sworn statement ensuring no further breaches will be committed.

7.2 Obligations of Organexia

Organexia acts as a technological platform facilitating the connection between service providers and USERS for service provision suggested by the service providers. Organexia is not a party to the relationship between the USER and the service provider and is not responsible for the quality, performance or content of the services.

Regarding the use of the Platform’s functionalities, Organexia’s general obligation is one of means. Organexia does not have any obligation of result or strengthened means of any kind.

Organexia has implemented all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the secure use of the Site and, in particular, to prevent Personal Data from being altered, damaged, destroyed, or lost accidentally, or accessed or unlawfully disclosed by unauthorized third parties, as well as to prevent any other form of unlawful processing of such Data.

Organexia commits to making all efforts to ensure continuous access and use of the Platform 24/7. However, the User acknowledges that interruptions to the Site may occur accidentally, due to internet network congestion, or for the purposes of maintenance or updating the Site. It is specified that no interruption, regardless of its nature, shall give rise to any compensation.

However, Organexia draws Users’ attention to the fact that current Internet communication protocols do not ensure certain and continuous transmission of electronic exchanges (messages, documents, sender or recipient identity).

Organexia commits to providing clear, transparent, and fair information on its intervention modalities.

For promotions, Organexia commits to specifying any minimum usage or duration required to benefit from them.

8. Payment Methods and Billing Terms

Organexia provides various secure payment methods to facilitate smooth transactions between Users and Service Providers. Below are the detailed payment methods and billing terms:

Payment Methods

  1. Bank Transfer:
  1. Cash Deposit:
  1. Online card Payment:

General Payment and Billing Terms

Checking the Status of the Online Payment:

After entering your banking details and validating the payment page, the request is transmitted to the Centre Monétique Interbancaire (CMI) for processing. Once processed, you will receive the result on your screen:

I.         If the payment is accepted:

II.         If the payment is refused:

Pricing and Payment

9. Withdrawal Clause

In accordance with Article 42 of Law No. 31-08 related to consumer protection, the right of withdrawal does not apply to services offered by our platform that are reserved for a fixed date and whose execution begins immediately after the reservation is confirmed.

This exclusion is justified by two main reasons:

Once the reservation is confirmed, the service provider begins to mobilize the necessary resources for the service (reserving rooms, preparing equipment, engaging staff, etc.). These preparations incur obligations and costs for the service provider, making any cancellation financially burdensome.

Events with fixed dates cannot be rescheduled or canceled without causing significant disruptions. This rigidity explains why the right of withdrawal cannot apply to these services.

By accepting our general terms of sale, the consumer acknowledges and accepts that these services are not subject to the right of withdrawal.

10- Limitation of Liability

Force Majeure

11. Indemnification

12. Dispute Resolution and Jurisdiction

We encourage our customers and service providers to resolve conflicts amicably. If an agreement cannot be reached, users are advised to contact Organexia’s customer service for assistance.

These General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale (GTCUS) are governed by Moroccan law. Any disputes arising from the use of the Platform or services, or relating to the formation, conclusion, interpretation, and/or execution of these GTCUS, will be resolved through amicable negotiation.

If a resolution cannot be reached through negotiation, the disputes will be definitively and exclusively settled in accordance with the regulations of the International Court of Mediation and Arbitration IRCMAR in Rabat by an arbitrator appointed in accordance with these regulations.

If neither amicable negotiation nor arbitration resolves the dispute, the matter will be referred to the competent courts within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal of Tangier, where the company’s headquarters are located. The reference language for the settlement of potential disputes is French or Arabic.

13- Non-bypassing

The service provider and the customer are obliged to conclude the service contract via the Organexia platform. The user undertakes not to carry out any work outside the platform.

If one of the users requests to conclude the contract by bypassing the platform, the bypass request must be rejected and returned by the other user, who must immediately inform the platform administrators of the bypass request of which he has become aware by sending an email to

14. Hypertext Links

Organexia websites may include hyperlinks to other websites or resources available on the Internet. These links are provided solely for the convenience of Users, who acknowledge that using these links is at their own risk and under the respective terms and conditions of the third-party sites.

Links to Third-Party Sites:

15. Sanctions

In the event that a User fails to comply with Organexia’s Terms of Use, one or more of the following sanctions may be applied:

Users can contact the platform administrators to appeal sanctions, explain their situation. Appeals must be filed within 7 days of the sanction notice, and a response will be provided within 15 days.

The decision regarding the applicable sanction is at the discretion of Organexia administrators. In cases involving violations of Moroccan law, Organexia may also file a complaint with the relevant judicial authorities.

In the event of identity theft, any remaining funds in the wallet will not be returned to the seller but will be held in escrow or returned to the clients.

In all cases, the User will be informed of the sanction by email as soon as possible.

16. Governing Language

In case of any discrepancy between the original French version of these terms and any translation into a foreign language, the French version shall prevail.

17. Modification of Terms and Conditions

18. Nullity and Waiver

19. Intellectual Property

All content on the Organexia platform, including but not limited to text, images, drawings, logos, videos, sounds, data, graphics, software, mobile applications, and databases, is the exclusive property of Organexia, except for any content provided by its Users and except for trademarks, logos, or content belonging to other partner companies or authors. This content is protected by the provisions of Moroccan law, specifically Law No. 17-97 on industrial property, promulgated by Dahir 1-00-19 dated February 15, 2000, as amended by Law 31-05, and Law No. 2-00 on copyright, promulgated by Dahir 1-00-20 dated February 15, 2000, as amended by the law of February 14, 2006.

Users are prohibited from:

Organexia reserves the right to use all published delivered works and logo designs for marketing and promotional purposes of Organexia.

Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission, or publication of these elements, even partially, without the express written permission of Organexia, is strictly prohibited. Any violation of this prohibition constitutes infringement, which may result in civil and criminal liability for the infringer. Additionally, the owners of the copied content may initiate legal action against the infringer.

Organexia grants Service Providers a personal, non-exclusive, and non-transferable right to temporarily use the aforementioned elements to enable the use of the Platform and the execution of these GTCUS. This right of use ends upon the termination of the account granting access to the Platform, for any reason.

All publications written by the Service Providers and posted from their Personal Space on the Platform are and remain the property of the Platform.

By using the platform, users consent to the use of their generated content (such as reviews, comments, and photos) for marketing and promotional purposes by Organexia.

20. Legal References:

The Service Provider and Organexia are subject to Moroccan law, particularly the following legal texts:

This section can be regularly updated to reflect any changes in the relevant laws and regulations.

21. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding these General Conditions of Use and Sales, please contact us at

lateste update: 26/06/2024

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